Local recruitment: Water Quality Planner

Environment Agency

Chichester, UK 🇬🇧

Romsey, UK 🇬🇧

Worthing, UK 🇬🇧

Pevensey, UK 🇬🇧

Number of jobs available: 1
Region: South East
City/Town: Chichester , Romsey , Worthing , Pevensey
Building/Site: Chichester Office, Pevensey Office, Romsey Office, Guildbourne House
Grade: Staff Grade 5
Post Type: Fixed Term
Working Pattern: Full Time, Part Time
Role Type: Operational Delivery
Salary Minimum: £37,462 pro-rata

Job description

Water is the heart of all we do, drinking, washing, recreation, industry and health. Our environment and economy depend on this precious resource.

Clean water is essential and as water becomes an increasingly important resource we need to ensure that it can provide the functions we require of it.

We have an exciting opportunity for you to play your part in this important environmental and societal need in the beautiful and diverse environments of the Solent and South Downs Area.

We need your knowledge and experience to help manage the quality of our water environment to ensure it can meet future needs.

If you’re passionately committed to the environment, one who sees the risks, understands what needs to be done and can work closely with those who hold the key to change, you can ensure our water environment functions for nature and society.

You’ll work closely with national policy and process, area delivery and key customers on aspects of strategic planning, incident management and local action on the ground.

From water company investment programmes to land management from moors to coasts. We need someone to plan our response to current pressures and future demands.

Can you help?

Responding to incidents is a central part of what we do. You will be required to have an incident role and make yourself available to respond to incidents, or provide business continuity support during an incident. This may attract an additional payment and full training and alternative working arrangements will be available to support you with your incident role.

The team

You’ll join a team of environment planners who focus predominantly on water quality, water resources and Water Framework Directive activities in the Solent and South Downs area. You’ll work alongside a dispersed team and with operational teams, national colleagues and water companies. The team collates, analyses and shares data to produce environmental evidence that informs and drives area priorities.

Experience/skills required

You will be able to demonstrate the following:

• Good knowledge or experience of water quality planning and ecology
• Ability or experience to lead technical conversations with both internal and external partners
• Political awareness and sensitivity to deliver the right service when dealing with customers and stakeholders
• The ability to work collaboratively with other teams
• The ability to articulate solutions to problems in a simple, engaging way
• Good judgment, problem solving and decision making skills
• Good planning skills, with the ability to handle multiple priorities and deliver to tight timescales

You will have experience in Water Quality Modelling and/or GIS mapping skills, or an aptitude to learn these.
You will have a degree or equivalent knowledge or experience in a relevant environmental discipline.

Contact and additional information

We don’t just talk about diversity; we seek it, embrace it and live it, for the benefit of our staff, our communities and our environment. As an organisation we strive to reflect the communities we serve and continue to develop diversity throughout our workforce. We welcome applications from all backgrounds regardless of race, sexual orientation or religion.

We support flexible working hours and practices. We offer an extensive range of employee benefits and encourage you to keep developing your skills and professional knowledge throughout your career.

If you’d like more information please get in touch with matthew.murphy@environment-agency.gov.uk

Interviews will be held face to face in Worthing on a date to be confirmed.

Job description attachment 1  

Job Profile – 26082.docx – 54KB 
Converted File Job Profile – 26082.docx.pdf – 63KB 

Candidate pack  

Candidate Pack – 26082.docx – 1867KB 
Converted File Candidate Pack – 26082.docx.pdf – 513KB 

Closing Date:  05/04/2023, 23:55 hours

Level of security checks required:  Basic Check

Length of contract:  Up to 12 Months

Competence 1: Achieves Results
In this role you will work with colleagues to provide evidence to other areas of the business to help improve the water quality in the Solent and South Downs area. For example, your role will be to ensure that water companies develop and implement projects to make improvements to the environment. The role will also identify priority areas for improvement.

Describe a time when you have delivered a piece of work, setting high standards; meeting targets and prioritising and organising tasks to ensure timely and effective achievement of results.

Please note we do not assess CVs. Your answer to this question will be used for interview selection so ensure you draw out your skills and experience in your response. Using the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action and Result) can help when formulating your answers.

Competence 2: Takes Decisions and Solves Problems
As a water quality planner in this team you will have a fair degree of autonomy and therefore you will be required to take decisions and solve problems as a matter of course – sometimes related to processes we use and sometimes in relation to technical data.

Tell us about how you have taken information from a variety of sources in order to solve a difficult technical problem successfully.

Please note we do not assess CVs. Your answer to this question will be used for interview selection so ensure you draw out your skills and experience in your response. Using the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action and Result) can help when formulating your answers.

Competence 3: Scientific Knowledge
In this role you will be dealing with complex scientific issues and concepts relating to water quality and its effect on the environment.

Please tell us how you can use your scientific knowledge to fulfil the duties of this role.

Please note we do not assess CVs. Your answer to this question will be used for interview selection so ensure you draw out your skills and experience in your response. Using the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action and Result) can help when formulating your answers.

If you are applying from the Civil Service please note that the Environment Agency is not a part of HM Civil Service and you would not be a Crown Servant in the event of being appointed. Therefore, you will not be eligible for continuous service. For applicants who currently work in local government or other bodies listed in the Redundancy Payments (Continuity of Employment in Local Government etc) (Modification) Order 1999, you may be eligible for continuous service for the purpose of calculating any future redundancy payment. If you are unsure of your status then you should contact your own HR Team.

We are fully committed to having a diverse and inclusive workforce to reflect the communities we serve. We welcome flexible working patterns for all our vacancies, including job share, so please include clearly any information regarding your preferred working arrangements on your application.

We also have a Guaranteed Interview Policy to support those with a disability who are seeking employment. We have committed to guaranteeing an interview to anyone with a disability whose application meets the minimum criteria for the post.

The Environment Agency, as a Non-Departmental Public Body, is committed to providing value for money and utilises Central Government frameworks and contracts for all external recruitment needs. For this reason, we are unable to engage with the market directly through post, email or phone calls . Should you wish to become a support supplier on one of these frameworks or contracts please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/become-a-crown-commercial-service-supplier/becoming-a-supplier-through-the-crown-commercial-service-what-you-need-to-know for more information.




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